Ready to try Meditation?- The Spiritual American- Episode 44

Episode 44 December 13, 2024 00:18:33
Ready to try Meditation?- The Spiritual American- Episode 44
The Spiritual American
Ready to try Meditation?- The Spiritual American- Episode 44

Dec 13 2024 | 00:18:33


Show Notes

In this episode of The Spiritual American, Dr. Anne will give an experience of Raja Yoga Meditation. Are you ready to meditate?


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Episode Transcript

We Americans enjoy a wonderful and powerful way of life, but internally and in relationships, we may wish for better. Join me as we look beneath the surface and gain insights to transform every aspect of your life. My name is Dr. Anne O'Hare, and this is The Spiritual American. Hello, and welcome to the Spiritual American. My name is Dr. Anne O'Hare and I'm your host. And today we will be practicing meditation. So if you have been following these episodes, you know, I'm constantly talking about meditation. And for this episode, we're actually going to practice meditation together. So before we get started. Please consider like sharing and subscribing as you know this helps YouTube get our content out to more and more people and also consider sharing with your friends and family as well. So meditation, I'll talk just for a minute or two, and then we'll begin the practice. Why is it so important to practice meditation? There's been so many studies and everything about it. If you want to look at the Scientific point of view. If you want to look at the anecdotal point of view, many, many people I'm sure you know have been practicing meditation and they can tell you what it's done for them. Maybe you've been practicing meditation or maybe you've never tried it before, or maybe you want a different experience. We're going to practice in a moment, Raja yoga meditation. And what is Raja yoga meditation? Raja yoga meditation means that I am a soul. I understand that I am the spiritual being and that I am going to have yoga or connection with the supreme soul. You could say God, or you could say my higher self or the unlimited me. So I am going to connect with my higher self, with God or the unlimited potential of myself. The other aspect of Raj yoga meditation is the knowledge. So we do study spiritual knowledge. And if you look in the description below, I'll put in the information for the Raj yoga foundation course, which covers topics like karma, the soul, the Supreme soul, three levels of consciousness, the eight powers of the soul. Why do we need to know that knowledge? The knowledge helps us hold to our spiritual awareness because the world has been, we've been taking information from the world for so long that when we start to try to think of myself in a different way, we need a knowledge base to help with that. All of this information is offered free through the Brahma Kumaris. And so for this episode, I would really like to just practice the meditation itself. So let's go ahead and do that. So you can sit quietly and I'll do a commentary. I'm going to speak and just follow along with what I'm saying. So get in a comfortable position in a chair. Sitting up is preferable. You can close your eyes or you can keep them open. If your eyes are open, I'd like you to look right here in the center of my forehead. So you can see that there's a face here, but I'd like you to look right here as you're listening to what I'm saying. Sitting quietly. I bring my awareness to the body, making sure the body is balanced and comfortable. And then I gently bring my awareness. To my breathing. The body is breathing in and out and I can gently inhale and exhale inhale and exhale inhale and exhale slowing the breathing deep breathing Relaxes the nervous system of the body. So the body is relaxing from having any tension or any sensations in the body just notice them and then gently bring my attention to the center of my forehead between the eyes just behind the eyes in the center of my forehead and then I use my mind to visualize a tiny point of light like a sparkling star in the center of my forehead. The body is relaxing and I'm looking at this star. The star is suspended. It's not touching anything and it's beautiful and sparkling. Just look at the star and notice there's a feeling of silence and stillness. Listen to the stillness. Listen to the silence and watch the star. Relax the body and look at the star. Relaxing the body, looking at the star. Then I tell myself, I am the star. I am the soul. The sparkling point of living consciousness. I am eternal light, eternal consciousness. I am peaceful and still and self aware. I am the soul. I am peace. I am the soul. I Am peace. Let the vibrations of peace and stillness gently travel through the physical body. Vibrations of peace nourishing and supporting the body. I am soul, living light, eternal. My nature is peace. And now, Imagine that the point of light begins to travel beyond the body, up beyond the sky, beyond the universe, beyond the planets and the stars, keeps traveling into this beautiful world of light, this beautiful orange golden light, the soul traveling, traveling until it reaches its spot, suspended in this world of beauty and light, absolutely still and peaceful. And in this world of light, there is the supreme soul, God, The one who is the ocean of peace, the ocean of love, the ocean of purity, the ocean of wisdom. I can feel and look at that soul, that beautiful sparkling star, the same size as me, I'm a soul, and that one is a soul, and in this beautiful world of light, unlimited peace, unlimited love, I feel my heart is completely open, I'm showing myself fully, and that one Love Unconditional. beautiful vibrations of love and understanding reaching towards me that one understands that one sees me fully. And in that beautiful vision, I am able to be with myself fully the gentle love and caressing vibrations. This one is my mother, my father, my friend, my teacher, my guide. I, the soul, this one is everything to me. And I just stay in silence for a little while longer. I feel very stable and still. Maybe I want to say something, or think something, What would I want to say to this one? Have a heart to heart moment in the silence. And now gently preparing to return, you can say some final thoughts or words from the heart and gently imagine the point returning from the world of light back down through the universe back down to earth back down to this body returning back to the center of the forehead understand that this experience is available to me anytime it's one thought away I give myself a moment to re acclimate to the body Wiggle the fingers and toes. Take another deep breath in and out. Become aware of the room. Become aware of the sounds of the room. inhale and exhale. One more. Become more active in your awareness. Inhale and exhale. Move the body around a little bit. Okay. So Om Shanti, we say Om Shanti. Om Shanti means I am peace. And that meditation was an example of Raja yoga meditation. So it's the, you are the soul. And you are experiencing being a soul without the rest of the experience of being human. So I hope that that was a powerful and was a good experience for everyone. This is the type of meditation that we practice on a daily basis. It is very powerful when combined with that spiritual knowledge. Again, please look at the description below for free classes. And of course the Brahma Kumaris website for more information. All of our classes are offered free and we hope that you will. take advantage of them. So I will leave it there for now. I hope that if you want to use this for, if you like this meditation that we did, you can use this meditation over and over again. We use meditations over and over again in the description is also the release your wings meditations. They are like five to 10 minutes long, just like this one is very short, but they have different topics. They're very good for practice. So I highly recommend those as well. So remember our slogan is heal, empower, and serve. And I put in the thumbnail, are you ready to meditate? So I hope you are. And until next time, take care. You

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