Creating my Future- The Spiritual American- Episode 37

Episode 37 November 18, 2024 00:17:47
Creating my Future- The Spiritual American- Episode 37
The Spiritual American
Creating my Future- The Spiritual American- Episode 37

Nov 18 2024 | 00:17:47


Show Notes

In this episode of The Spiritual American, Dr. Anne will discuss the possibility of creating your future from within. Learn how to to use reflection and simple meditation practice to open the door to fulfilling your pure desires.


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Episode Transcript

We Americans enjoy a wonderful and powerful way of life, but internally and in relationships, we may wish for better. Join me as we look beneath the surface and gain insights to transform every aspect of your life. My name is Dr. Ann O'Hare, and this is The Spiritual American. Hello everyone and welcome to the Spiritual American. My name is Dr. Anne O'Hare and I'm your host. And today we will be talking about creating my future. Now, of course, we're going to be talking about this in a spiritual way, but before we get started, Please consider like sharing and subscribing. As you know, that helps us get this content out to more and more people. And also please consider sharing with your friends and family so they can benefit as well. So creating my future now in a normal way, ordinary way, we think, oh, okay, I'm going to go to school. I'm going to get a degree. I'm going to get a job. I want to get married and have a family. there's A lot of physical life aspects that we think of when we think of creating our future. But today I'd like to talk about creating a future from within the self. Now, how does that work? So I'm going to assume that. Anyone who's watching this, maybe there are aspects of your life that you maybe are not fully happy with or fully satisfied with. Or maybe they bother you a little bit, or maybe it causes a little bit of discomfort. But I want to talk about today is how to create the fertile energy where what I really want can manifest. I wrote down like the secret and manifesting. I know that some of these ideas are out there. I'm going to talk about it from the perspective of internal purity. Because if you watch the last couple of episodes, we were talking about purity and how the authentic self can express itself through this purity. So how do I generate this, or how do I create this pure environment inside that I can create? First, I have to say, what do I really want? And I'm going to say that sometimes The things that we want, that we say we want is not really what we want in our heart. So for instance, maybe I say, I want to make a million dollars and maybe that is what I really want in my heart, but I'm going to say maybe it's not really that I want to make a million dollars. Maybe what I really want is to live a life comfortably without having to worry about money. Maybe that's what I really want. So sometimes we think we, we go after something we're actually, we're looking for an experience. Like I shared a couple of episodes ago that now in my job, I used to think that I wanted a manager job or a leadership job at work because I really wanted to feel like I had some impact on. The group that I was working with and also to maybe create something, create some team or have some control over the level of practice that was happening in the group. That's what I wanted. So I thought that I was going to get that from a leadership position. Well guess what? I didn't get the job and I didn't get the leadership positions, but now I'm in a department where I actually got that thing. So I guess where I'm getting at with this is if you look at this in a spiritual way, Sometimes you don't get what you think you want, but you get what you really want. So in this episode, I want to talk about how do I get in touch with what I really want. And I would say, start with what you think you want, but then break it down to the experience that you want to have. For instance, let's say I, want to say that I want to be married, but what I really want. Is to feel secure, or I really want to start a family or something like that. We have to be clear about what the experience is that we really want to have. I don't think we're often in touch with that. And I wrote out a couple of ideas here that we can think about on how to purify the system, let's say, to purify the system, to get in touch with what I really want. And in my experience, like I'm giving worldly examples here, but I also find that You end up having spiritual desires also, like I want to be closer to God or I want to learn who I really am. I want to serve the world. I want to purify myself. I want to be able to help others, something like that. Those are more, I would say, closer to elevated or spiritual desires or what you want, what you want to create. So I wrote down here that creation is happening anyway. So the mechanism of your future is already in motion. I feel that if we purify the system, then what's going to happen is going to be more in alignment with my real heart and what I really feel. And I can tell you from experience that my life right now. Is a hundred percent reflecting what I really want. It's so amazing that I'm saying that. That was not possible. It was not possible before. Purification, like we're going to talk about now, is the way to create an inner possibility of your life reflecting really who you are, truly who you are. So the first aspect, What aspects do we need to purify? Well, the first aspect is who am I? So if I think that I am, whatever nationality I am, whatever background I have, whatever race I am, whatever religion I am, whatever political party I belong to, whatever. If I think that is me, then I'm limiting myself to the aspects that have to do with that. I don't want to limit anything. I want to be unlimited. I want to purify, meaning I don't want to be like one or two things. I want to be. completely open. So the, who am I? Who do I think I am? This is where meditation comes in, right? That we start to talk to, I start to talk to myself. I'm a soul. I'm an eternal being. I am living consciousness. My original nature is peace. I'm not saying Oh, I'm going to a peaceful place or somebody else is peaceful. I'm saying I am peaceful. My nature is peace. So the very first aspect of purification inside to create that fertile ground for creation is who am I? I am a soul. My nature is peaceful, loving, wise, pure, happy, benevolent. That is my nature. The second thing is what do I think I deserve? This is a question of worthiness. So the reason I put that there is because whatever religion maybe we were brought up in, there's a sense of right and wrong and there's a sense of good and bad and that we're kind of always. Measuring ourselves up to that standard. And I'm going to say that whatever the religion, probably we didn't measure up to the standard. Whether it's the Christian, you know, you're going to burn in hell for this, or maybe it's the Hindu, you're going to come back as a goat or whatever. There's, there's a fear based kind of dogmatic. Right and wrong, worthiness measure that we're always like measuring up to. So I would say, just give a check and see, do I feel worthy of the thing that I want? Do I feel worthy? And then if I don't, like we had a student, here's an example. We had a student who we were talking about. Basically purity of heart like the other episode but we were talking about making good spiritual effort and this student was saying That he has a hard time feeling that he's good Like he has all these memories of whatever happened in the past or these judgments about himself And he has a hard time letting them go So this part what do I think I deserve or what is my worthiness? This is the chance for you to look at and begin to clear out All the religion based self judgments that maybe I'm still carrying. Question them. Am I really bad? Do I have to hold on to this? Can I forgive myself? Can I say, look, I made a mistake, I did the best I can at that time, I won't ever do it again and move on? Can I be honest and face it and move on? And then there's a possibility of opening up into this new possibility for myself, right? Can you see how if I don't think I'm worthy, I'm cutting myself off emotionally from the happiness that I want. This is the secret. All that stuff in the background that we think we are, or we think we deserve is holding me back. The third thing I wrote is who I am in relation to others. So maybe part of my feeling of self esteem or my feeling of success is based on my relationships with others. So I should check around a little bit. How is my relationship with my family? How is my relationship with my body? How are my relationship with my coworkers? Am I satisfied with my relationships? And if not, what's going on with me? Do I feel jealous? Do I feel like I'm comparing? Do I feel dissatisfied? So kind of take a look and how do I feel about with other people? How do I feel about other people? So you see how this is like an inquiry, right? Cause I'm trying to clear some of what's there so I can reach a pure place to create from. The fourth one is what I really want. So when I get through those levels, who am I? What do I think I deserve? Who am I in relationship to others? Then you get to what do you really want? I was talking to somebody today and I had an opportunity to share something that I really wanted and I noticed that I was nervous about sharing it. And then I realized that I have a long habit of thinking if I say who I really am, They're not gonna like me or something bad's gonna happen or something got created along the way. And I can't be the only one that has those things. I feel that in order to create my future from within, it's a time of reflection. It's a time of looking within and seeing what's going on. Spirituality gives us the tools on how to look. Because if I say I am an eternal being, my original nature is peace, and I say that's who I am, then when I'm angry and screaming and yelling at my child, maybe that's not what I should be doing. Right? That's how spirituality works. It kind of wakes up the intellect and says, okay, this is who I really am. And now. This is not the way I need to be acting. And then we start looking at ourselves. But in terms of creation, I want to be very introverted and looking at myself because I want to get to that pure, pure desire. What do you really want? I would say that most of us would say, I want to be happy. I want to be peaceful. I want my life to mean something, something like that. But we can also create what we want to happen within our life already. So for instance, let's say you look at your relationships and you say, the relationships are kind of superficial. I not really that happy with them. And I wish that I could have I really wish that I could have meaningful relationships. So let's say the relationships with your family, like the ones that don't go away, I would like to have meaningful relationships with my family. So that could be like a pure wish. And then, then with the spiritual effort, you could work on the adjustments that are needed to help create that. Now, obviously we can't control others, but I can tell you from my experience, That if you take care of yourself and we practice this spiritual effort, we begin to change. And when we change, others change too. At first, they can't help it because we're connected, at first, maybe they'll react because maybe who knows, maybe we have a unhealthy thing going on. And maybe when one person stops, the other person reacts because, hey, why aren't you yelling at me anymore? That's not good, ultimately, everybody wants peace and everybody wants a good relationship. So I wrote here, have purity in all four areas and then say what you want. So every once in a while now I will say what I want. I have a friend who I can talk to who's also on this spiritual journey and we talk about everything. Even yesterday I said I really want this. For my family or I really want this I'm speaking it. I want my dad to be happy I want this for my sister I want this not specific things but more like coming from the heart I wish the relationship would be like this I wish you know that they would feel satisfied with their life. I wish for resolution of the issues These issues are those issues, so what am I doing? I'm giving good wishes and I'm also saying what I want. It's funny how when we do this, eventually you realize that your whole life begins to transform and then you're no longer wishing for yourself now you're, well, if you are, it's higher and higher levels, but eventually you start wishing for others you see how we tap into our generosity, we tap into our. benevolent spirit that is also creative and it's also attractive, so think about that. I'll stop there. But the main thing is, so the four areas that we want to purify are who do I think I am? What do I think I deserve? Like worthiness. The third one is who am I in relationship with others? And then the And then what do I really want this? You can practice this all the time. I mean, self reflection, when I'm reflecting and I'm looking and I'm transforming, I'm purifying. Then my real desire, my real wish can come forward. So I'll leave it there. Remember our slogan is heal, empower, and serve. And I hope that gave you something to work with and to realize that creating your future is not just about physical things. It's about getting in touch with your real self and having your real self and your real desires, your pure desires make an impact and become reflected back to you. That really generates a lot of happiness. So thank you for being here and until next time, take care. Um, uh,

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